GCSE OCR Geography Topic Questions J384

Here you will find all GCSE OCR Geography Topic questions to revise by topic and exam board

How can weather be hazardous?

Why do we have weather extremes?

When does extreme weather become a hazard?

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How do plate tectonics shape our world?

What processes occur at plate boundaries?

How can tectonic movement be hazardous?

How does technology have the potential to save lives in hazard zones?

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What evidence is there to suggest climate change is a natural process?

What evidence is there for climate change?

Is climate change a natural process?

Why is climate change a global issue?

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What makes a landscape distinctive?

What is a landscape?

Where are the physical landscapes of the UK?

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What influences the landscapes of the UK?

What physical processes shape landscapes?

What are the characteristics of your chosen landscapes?

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Why are natural ecosystems important?

What are ecosystems?

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Why should tropical rainforests matter to us?

What biodiversity exists in tropical rainforests?

Why are tropical rainforests being ‘exploited’ and how can this be managed sustainably?

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Is there more to polar environments than ice?

What is it like in Antarctica and the Arctic?

b. How are humans seeking a sustainable solution for polar environments?

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Why do more than half the world’s population live in urban areas?

How is the global pattern of urbanisation changing?

What does rapid urbanisation mean for cities?

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What are the challenges and opportunities for cities today?

What is life like for people in a city?

How can cities become more sustainable?

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Why are some countries richer than others?

What is development and how can it be measured?

What has led to uneven development?

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Are LIDCs likely to stay poor?

How has an LIDC developed so far?

What global connections influence its development?

What development strategy is most appropriate?

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How is the UK changing in the 21st century?

What does the UK look like in the 21st century?

How is the UK’s population changing?

How is the UK’s economy changing?

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Is the UK losing its global significance?

What is the UK’s political role in the world?

How is the UK’s cultural influence changing?

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Will we run out of natural resources?

How has increasing demand for resources affected our planet?

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Can we feed nine billion people by 2050?

What does it mean to be food secure?

How can countries ensure their food security?

How sustainable are these strategies?

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