CIE IGCSE French - Foreign Language (0520) Topic Questions

AO1 Listening

L1: understand the main points and key information in simple everyday material

L2: understand clear speech on a range of familiar topics

L3: understand the description of events and expression of ideas, opinions and attitudes in simple texts

L4: identify and select relevant information in predictable texts

AO2 Reading

R1: understand the main points and key information in simple everyday material

R2: understand authentic factual texts on a range of familiar topics

R3: understand the description of events and expression of ideas, opinions and attitudes in simple texts

R4: identify and select relevant information in predictable texts

AO3 Speaking

S1: communicate clearly and effectively in a range of predictable everyday situations

S2: engage in conversations on familiar topics, expressing opinions and feelings

S3: use a range of structures and vocabulary with reasonable accuracy

S4: demonstrate some ability to maintain interaction

S5: show some control of pronunciation and intonation

AO4 Writing

W1: communicate simple factual information clearly for everyday purposes

W2: write simple phrases and sentences on a familiar topic

W3: write simple connected texts describing events, experiences, opinions and hopes and ambitions

W4: use a range of simple vocabulary and language structures reasonably accurately