OCR Physics AS (H556) Topic Questions

Module 1: Development of practcal skills in physics

1.1 Practcal skills assessed in a writen examinaton

1.2 Practcal skills assessed in the practcal endorsement

Module 2: Foundatons of physics

2.1 Physical quanttes and units

2.2 Making measurements and analysing data

2.3 Nature of quanttes

Module 3: Forces and moton

3.1 Moton

3.2 Forces in acton

3.3 Work, energy and power

3.4 Materials

3.5 Newton’s laws of moton and momentum

Module 4: Electrons, waves and photons

4.1 Charge and current

4.2 Energy, power and resistance

4.3 Electrical circuits

4.4 Waves

4.5 Quantum physics

Module 5: Newtonian world and astrophysics

5.1 Thermal physics

5.2 Circular moton

5.3 Oscillatons

5.4 Gravitatonal felds

5.5 Astrophysics and cosmology

Module 6: Partcles and medical physics

6.1 Capacitors

6.2 Electric felds

6.3 Electromagnetsm

6.4 Nuclear and partcle physics

6.5 Medical imaging